December 12, 2010

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September 7, 2010

Time goes too fast!

Where does time go? One of my babies is a first grader and one of my babies is 6 months old already!
Masen was of course so excited for his first day of first grade that he had to make sure his new backpack packed last night. When we said it was time for bed at 8:00 last night, he was for once more than willing to go to bed since he was anticipating the next day. He has been waiting for a long time to finally "be in a grade" with a number assigned to more Kindergarten. What a good boy!
Emmee at 6 months:
- Has two bottom teeth
- Rolls everywhere and is very determined to get from point A to point B.
- Wears 6 - 9 month clothes
- Sleeps through the night
- Is trying to scoot but chooses to place her head on the floor while doing so...rug burn!
- Smiles non-stop (especially when she sees her daddy)
- Is trying to say "DaDa"
- Wears size 2 diapers
- Favorite food is still sweet peas. You are our little sweet pea!

August 21, 2010

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August 16, 2010

My Babies

My little girl is growing too fast. She has her two bottom teeth coming in. She has now discovered how to roll from her back to her tummy and then her tummy to her back. She is all over the place. I had her on a blanket this morning on the floor and found her in a totally different place when I came back into the room. Now the fun begins.

Masen is still an amazing big brother. He changed her diaper the other day and was so good about it. He loves that she grabs for him and pulls him close to her. Masen is an amazing boy. I can't believe he will start first grade in a few weeks.

I thank God every day. I am so lucky to have such a great family. I think all the time about my mom. She set the example to make me the mom I am today. I know she is guiding me every day through the journey of parenthood.

July 23, 2010

Emmee you are now 5 months old.

You are daddy's girl. You watch every move daddy makes. You get the biggest smile whenever daddy says anything to you.

You are still in size 2 diapers. You weigh 13lbs 14oz and are 24 inches long.

You eat baby cereal in the morning and at night. You just had your first serving of baby food (peas) last night and loved them. When I tried to give you your cereal after the peas, you screamed because you wanted more peas!

You are babbling all the time. We think you are cutting teeth so you put as many fingers in your mouth as you can and just talk away.

You slept through the night the last two nights. Of course daddy was out of town the first night and did not get to enjoy the restful night. We are hoping the last two nights is starting a pattern.

You went in Grandpa Snook's lake for the first time last weekend and LOVED it. You kicked your little feet and moved your hands around like you were feeling the water.

We are working on getting you to fall asleep on your own, however, I sometimes think daddy likes holding you and putting you to sleep.

Your big brother is in love with you. He is so happy to have you here and can't wait until you are old enough to play more with him.

July 9, 2010

Chaos at the Kooi's!

It has been very busy in the Kooi household. We have our house on the market which needs to be kept totally clean at all times, a bid in on another house and two kids. This equals chaos! We love having two kids. Jon and I have both said on several occasions how complete our family finally feels. We thank God every day for what we have. I am so lucky to be married to such a wonderful man who focuses on his family first. He is truly amazing.
Masen now has his head shaved (his choice) and lost one of his front teeth. He is loving his little sister and can't wait for her to get a little older to play with him. He is going to be spending a week in Traverse City with his Great Aunt Beth when we can get the opportunity to drive him there. He is such a great boy!
Emmee has become a great baby. After all the weeks of colic...we were worried that this was just who she was =) We have learned now that is not the case. She smiles all the time! She has now rolled over and she squeals at the top of her lungs because she likes to hear her voice. She weighs 13 lbs 7 oz and is 24 inches long.
Although is good!

June 20, 2010

Emmee - You are now 4 months old.

1. You are wearing size 2 diapers and mostly 3-6 month clothes.

2. You now weigh over 13lbs.

2. You have the greatest smile and are happiest in the mornings.

3. You watch your brother like a hawk.

4. You are still getting up at night one time. You don't like to go back to sleep once you are awake.

5. You love your Bumbo seat. You are very nosey and don't want to miss a thing.

6. You still love to be put into a swaddling blanket to go to sleep at night. You are a snuggler!

7. Whenever Daddy says something to you, you get the biggest smile. You have him wrapped around your little finger.

8. You are eating cereal two times a day.

May 18, 2010

The love's of my life Masen and Emmee. It is amazing that I can love each of them an equal amount but in two totally different ways. Masen is my boy and he is growing up so quickly but I look at him some of the time and still see my first baby. It brings tears to my eyes. I couldn't ask for a better kid. Emmee my baby girl, a princess. A little personality is starting to develop and I can't wait to see what it develops into. I can't wait to wake up and see her each morning and see that smiling face.

Emmee, at 3 months old (tomorrow) you:

- Are sleeping in your crib. You usually only wake up once during the night.

- Enjoy cooing to Daddy. You have him wrapped around your finger.

- Are happiest in the mornings. Your smiles are beautiful!

- Trying to grab your toes and enjoy sucking on your hands.

- May be teething early like your big brother did.

- Like holding your head up so you don't miss anything.

- You have a temper. One minute you are smiling and within a second you are screaming at the top of your lungs.

- Enjoy being put to sleep with a blanket by your face and something to touch.

- Are starting full day tomorrow at daycare. You have been a few half days and are having Mommy withdrawls (and Mommy has Emmee withdrawls).

- At your last check-up (2 Months) you weighed 10lbs 5oz!

We love you and are so glad you are a part of our family.

April 21, 2010


Today you are 2 months old. You complete our family and we are so lucky to have you, baby girl.

At two months old you are:

- Smiling and cooing. We all love to see this. What a beautiful smile!

- Going to bed around 10:00 - 11:00 and get up around 3:00 and 7:00.

- Enjoying being snuggled by Daddy on his chest. He can put you to sleep like no one else can (even Mommy).

- Loving baths! You set contently the whole time and look out the kitchen window.

- Fighting going to sleep. You are very observant and want to see what is going on at all times.

- Finally in 0 -3 month clothes but still "swim" in most of them.

- Into textures. You hold onto Mommy's shirt, a blanket, your hair, etc and scratch it with your little fingers to feel the texture.

- Loving car rides. We went to Traverse City. You slept the whole way there and back!

- Enjoying daily tummy time.

- The center of attention in the Kooi and Snook family! We all love you and are happy you are here and healthy!

April 14, 2010

March 31, 2010

This is too cute!

March 30, 2010

Emmee One Month

We are so happy to have the addition of a beautiful baby girl to our family. Although getting back into the swing of having a newborn was a scary thought to Jon and I, we couldn't be happier. Masen is so much in love with this little girl and is very protective of her.

I got an idea from a friend to post monthly milestones.

Emmee - at one month you:

1. Go to bed around 10:00 and get up at 2:00 and 6:00.

2. LOVE your big brother. When he talks to you, you give him all your attention. He can calm you when you are worked up. He loves you so much.

3. Keep mom and dad very busy during the day. You have some colic and spend most of your days crying. We feel so bad when you don't feel good.

4. Enjoy being snuggled in a ball on someone's chest.

5. Have taken well to the bottle but prefer the time that mommy spends feeding you.

6. Dislike baths! Your little lip quivers and the tears flow.

7. Prefer noisy locations. You sleep so well when there is chaos. You love church because of the music.

8. Your best friend is the vacuum. When it is on you go right to sleep.

9. Twinkle, twinkle little star is your favorite song. When I sing it to you, you listen so intently.

10. Are still in newborn are so tiny!

We love you! You are a blessing to us.

March 2, 2010

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February 18, 2010

Went to the doc today. I am 1cm dialated and 50% effaced. Baby is in position. He said at this time the baby probably weighs around 6.5 lbs. He said he usually tells everyone that he will see them at the next weeks appointment but he said he is not sure with me. He thinks I will deliver sooner rather than later. Of course there is always the possibility that I will go until my due date. The baby is doing it's part to make it's arrival as the contractions continue to come on a daily basis. We will have to wait and see. It is all up to the baby now.

February 17, 2010

Well it has been a rough few days full of contractions, some painful and some not. Yesterday was a visit to the Birthing Center because of nausea and contractions. The contractions that were monitored are coming every 5 minutes but are not strong enough yet to put me into labor. Last night they were constant (not consistent) and very painful and I am waiting to see what tonight brings. All of the activity gets me more and more anxious to hold that little one in my arms.

February 9, 2010

I am absolutely huge! I continue to be doing very well with my weight gain. I have gained 38 lbs total and seem to gain about 1 - 1.5 lbs per week! I started my weekly doc appointments on Monday. The baby's heartrate was 147 and sounds great. Without getting into too much detail I am making some progress (cervix is dialation). I am hoping this little bit of progress means I have a chance of going a bit early. Doc says that although I still have 4 weeks until my due date, they consider me full term and ready to deliver starting next week. We are all anxiously awaiting the arrival of the little one (especially big brother Masen). Masen is here with me as I type. Masen wants me to let everyone know that he is now about 40 lbs.

February 1, 2010

February 1

Wow...I did a much better job updating journals when pregnant with Masen. The excitement is beginning to build and I am finally feeling like we are as ready as we can be for the baby. I had an appointment today. The baby's heartrate was 161. I am measuring on target for the March 9 due date. I gained 6 lbs in two weeks! I have gained about 37 lbs so far. The baby is still very active. It is more active around lunch time and right before I go to bed. Jon and I keep thinking and talking about what this baby will be like...will it look like Masen or totally different, what will it's schedule or personality be like, will it have more of Jon's traits or mine. It is fun to daydream about what could be. Ultimately we are both very ready to welcome a little one into our family and finally hold our baby in our arms. We have once again waited so long for this moment.