April 21, 2010


Today you are 2 months old. You complete our family and we are so lucky to have you, baby girl.

At two months old you are:

- Smiling and cooing. We all love to see this. What a beautiful smile!

- Going to bed around 10:00 - 11:00 and get up around 3:00 and 7:00.

- Enjoying being snuggled by Daddy on his chest. He can put you to sleep like no one else can (even Mommy).

- Loving baths! You set contently the whole time and look out the kitchen window.

- Fighting going to sleep. You are very observant and want to see what is going on at all times.

- Finally in 0 -3 month clothes but still "swim" in most of them.

- Into textures. You hold onto Mommy's shirt, a blanket, your hair, etc and scratch it with your little fingers to feel the texture.

- Loving car rides. We went to Traverse City. You slept the whole way there and back!

- Enjoying daily tummy time.

- The center of attention in the Kooi and Snook family! We all love you and are happy you are here and healthy!

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