March 30, 2010

Emmee One Month

We are so happy to have the addition of a beautiful baby girl to our family. Although getting back into the swing of having a newborn was a scary thought to Jon and I, we couldn't be happier. Masen is so much in love with this little girl and is very protective of her.

I got an idea from a friend to post monthly milestones.

Emmee - at one month you:

1. Go to bed around 10:00 and get up at 2:00 and 6:00.

2. LOVE your big brother. When he talks to you, you give him all your attention. He can calm you when you are worked up. He loves you so much.

3. Keep mom and dad very busy during the day. You have some colic and spend most of your days crying. We feel so bad when you don't feel good.

4. Enjoy being snuggled in a ball on someone's chest.

5. Have taken well to the bottle but prefer the time that mommy spends feeding you.

6. Dislike baths! Your little lip quivers and the tears flow.

7. Prefer noisy locations. You sleep so well when there is chaos. You love church because of the music.

8. Your best friend is the vacuum. When it is on you go right to sleep.

9. Twinkle, twinkle little star is your favorite song. When I sing it to you, you listen so intently.

10. Are still in newborn are so tiny!

We love you! You are a blessing to us.

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