February 9, 2010

I am absolutely huge! I continue to be doing very well with my weight gain. I have gained 38 lbs total and seem to gain about 1 - 1.5 lbs per week! I started my weekly doc appointments on Monday. The baby's heartrate was 147 and sounds great. Without getting into too much detail I am making some progress (cervix is thinning...no dialation). I am hoping this little bit of progress means I have a chance of going a bit early. Doc says that although I still have 4 weeks until my due date, they consider me full term and ready to deliver starting next week. We are all anxiously awaiting the arrival of the little one (especially big brother Masen). Masen is here with me as I type. Masen wants me to let everyone know that he is now about 40 lbs.

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