October 22, 2009

Ultrasound - 5 months

Just got back from my 5 month ultrasound.  Baby's heartrate is 154 and it is very active.  Masen came to watch and was so excited to see it.  He got out of the chair and started rubbing my leg with a big smile on his face.  We opted (in a way) not to find out the sex of the baby.  However, I have this envelope with a piece of paper in it that could tell me what it is.  Jon now has me nearly convince that I should not find out.  As with Masen, I can say that Jon thought he saw boy parts during the ultrasound.  I have mixed feelings about the gender.  I think everyone wants the typical boy and girl.  I do want a girl but I just think how amazing it would be to have another boy and watch Jon, Masen and baby wrestle together and do their boy stuff.  We are just fortunate to be adding another little one to our family.

1 comment:

  1. WOW! that is cool. So glad everything is looking great. I am always amazed with the ultra sound pictures. God's work in us as mothers is truly amazing. Love Aunt Mary
