October 11, 2009

Rough Pregnancy Week

October 11, 2009

I can't seem to get a good pic so once again...just focus on the belly!

Almost 19 weeks!

It was a rough week this week.  I ended up in the ER on Tuesday and after a few tests they thought I may have appendicitis.  After a consultation with a surgeon, some more blood work and an MRI, they confirmed it was not appendicitis.  I have several glands swollen behind my ears and on the back of my neck and feel feverish at times.  They are now checking me for Mono.  

We are still undecided on whether we will find out the sex of the baby...October 22nd is the date to decide by.  We really enjoyed the surprise we had with Masen and debate whether that is what we would like this time.  Every time I tell Masen I went to the doc he asks me if I found out what it is.  He keeps hoping for another boy.

Although this so far has been a rough pregnancy...I do enjoy being pregnant and knowing that I am growing a little one inside me.  I can feel it's movements now and it is very active.  Every ultrasound tech and my OBGYN have commented about how active of a baby I have.  I just keep thinking how lucky we are to have this baby at all.


  1. Ang - You have such a cute baby bump! I think it's adorable that Masen wants to know if he's got a little brother or sister on the way. Good luck deciding what to do! Hope you feel better and thanks for posting the udpate!

  2. sorry about your rough week. i don't think you need to look at the ultra-sound. if the heart beat is 154 that is a girl :). i was always told fast means girl and slow means boy. and 154 is fast. maybe you should have the tech show masen and have him keep the secret LOL. luv, aunt mary
