September 15, 2009

Baby Kooi Update

Just focus on the belly...not the horrible pic of me!

July 14, 2009 (6 weeks)

Jon and I officially believe in miracles. We were very excited to find out that we are expecting again. Once again I had been on fertility medication for about a year. I had went from 50mg to over 200mg on the medication. The highest the doctor could go with it was 250mg and I was reaching that max. The next step would be to receive hormone injections which Jon and I had decided was not an option. We had talked seriously about adopting instead. About 2 months ago we had both decided that I should stop taking the medication. We had decided that God had blessed us with the greatest child in the world and that we were meant to have only one. I even had a garage sale to sell all Masen’s baby stuff. I had a few weeks where I just wasn’t feeling well…I thought it may have been stress from work. Jon kept telling me to take a pregnancy test but I was determined that I could not be pregnant because I had been off the meds for a few months. Finally after being sick for so long, I decided to sneak out and buy a test. I was sure that the test would be negative so I did not even tell Jon I was taking it. I discretely took the test and came out of the bathroom teary eyed. Jon was painting the kitchen and had his back turned to me. All I could say is …”You have got to be kidding me, you have got to be kidding me.” Without even turning around, Jon said “you’re pregnant aren’t you?” We gave each other a hug and discussed whether we should tell Masen. We were too excited and wanted Masen to share this with us. Jon called Masen and said “Are you ready to be a big brother because Mommy has a baby in her belly?” Masen’s eyes got big. He came up to me, raised up my shirt and put both hands on my belly. He looked at me and said “Is there mommy? Is there really a baby in there?” When I told him yes you could see the excitement on his face.

After breaking the news to Masen, I made the phone calls to the rest of the family. Everyone was overly excited and shocked knowing that we had given up on trying to have anymore children. Through all of this, there was an emptiness inside me. I was most of all wishing my mom was here to share this experience with. We believe this is a gift from her…a miracle. If we have a girl, the middle name will be Luann which was my mom’s middle name.

All of the triumphs and trials have made Jon and I stronger and made us truly appreciate the experience of being parents. Masen has told me a few times that he had wished and prayed for a baby. He said that he loves God because he FINALLY gave us a baby.

July 20, 2009 (6 weeks, 6 days)

Jon & I went in for the first ultrasound today. All we could see is this little peanut inside but we knew that was our baby!!!. I found out that I am 6 weeks and 6 days along. My due date is March 9. Masen’s 6th birthday is March 15!

We are really trying to decide if we should find out what we are having. We didn’t with Masen and it was a great surprise. We are both obviously hoping it is a girl. We would be just as excited to have another little boy running around. As long as it is healthy in the end, gender doesn’t matter.

Morning sickness has been horrible this time around. I thought it was bad with Masen but this is much worse. I am sick ALL the time.

August 5, 2009 (9 weeks)

Morning sickness continues and I feel aweful. Today I had a visit to the emergency room to get rehydrated. They told me that they would probably see me again in a few more weeks since I have extreme sickness. I have tried everything and nothing seems to help.

August 18, 2009 (11 weeks)

I had another appointment today. The baby's heartbeat was strong at 152 beats (if you believe in wives tales...this means it is a girl). I have gained 2 lbs. in a month and the morning sickness is finally starting to subside.

It can be very different with second babies. Right away my hips expanded and I couldn’t fit in my jeans. It took me forever to even show with Masen. I know officially have a baby bump!

Jon has been absolutely wonderful through this tough time of morning sickness. He offers to lend a hand with whatever I need. I had been so sick that he has taken on a lot around the house. I am so lucky to have him.

August 27, 2009 (12 weeks)
Attached are pics from the ultrasound I had today. I am 12 weeks and 2 days along. Baby was very active...kicking, stretching out it's legs and throwing it's hands all over. Looks like a girl to me =)...too early to tell


  1. i think it looks like a girl too! kristen knew both times she was having a girl and i didn't know if i would like to know but it is nice. you still have the suprise of hair color and how much and what they weigh etc. it is nice to buy clothes and decorate too. glad you are feeling better. aunt mary

  2. you forgot to include the second person you told who just so happened to be living with you at the time. :P
