July 23, 2010

Emmee you are now 5 months old.

You are daddy's girl. You watch every move daddy makes. You get the biggest smile whenever daddy says anything to you.

You are still in size 2 diapers. You weigh 13lbs 14oz and are 24 inches long.

You eat baby cereal in the morning and at night. You just had your first serving of baby food (peas) last night and loved them. When I tried to give you your cereal after the peas, you screamed because you wanted more peas!

You are babbling all the time. We think you are cutting teeth so you put as many fingers in your mouth as you can and just talk away.

You slept through the night the last two nights. Of course daddy was out of town the first night and did not get to enjoy the restful night. We are hoping the last two nights is starting a pattern.

You went in Grandpa Snook's lake for the first time last weekend and LOVED it. You kicked your little feet and moved your hands around like you were feeling the water.

We are working on getting you to fall asleep on your own, however, I sometimes think daddy likes holding you and putting you to sleep.

Your big brother is in love with you. He is so happy to have you here and can't wait until you are old enough to play more with him.

July 9, 2010

Chaos at the Kooi's!

It has been very busy in the Kooi household. We have our house on the market which needs to be kept totally clean at all times, a bid in on another house and two kids. This equals chaos! We love having two kids. Jon and I have both said on several occasions how complete our family finally feels. We thank God every day for what we have. I am so lucky to be married to such a wonderful man who focuses on his family first. He is truly amazing.
Masen now has his head shaved (his choice) and lost one of his front teeth. He is loving his little sister and can't wait for her to get a little older to play with him. He is going to be spending a week in Traverse City with his Great Aunt Beth when we can get the opportunity to drive him there. He is such a great boy!
Emmee has become a great baby. After all the weeks of colic...we were worried that this was just who she was =) We have learned now that is not the case. She smiles all the time! She has now rolled over and she squeals at the top of her lungs because she likes to hear her voice. She weighs 13 lbs 7 oz and is 24 inches long.
Although hectic...life is good!