September 7, 2010

Time goes too fast!

Where does time go? One of my babies is a first grader and one of my babies is 6 months old already!
Masen was of course so excited for his first day of first grade that he had to make sure his new backpack packed last night. When we said it was time for bed at 8:00 last night, he was for once more than willing to go to bed since he was anticipating the next day. He has been waiting for a long time to finally "be in a grade" with a number assigned to more Kindergarten. What a good boy!
Emmee at 6 months:
- Has two bottom teeth
- Rolls everywhere and is very determined to get from point A to point B.
- Wears 6 - 9 month clothes
- Sleeps through the night
- Is trying to scoot but chooses to place her head on the floor while doing so...rug burn!
- Smiles non-stop (especially when she sees her daddy)
- Is trying to say "DaDa"
- Wears size 2 diapers
- Favorite food is still sweet peas. You are our little sweet pea!