August 21, 2010

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August 16, 2010

My Babies

My little girl is growing too fast. She has her two bottom teeth coming in. She has now discovered how to roll from her back to her tummy and then her tummy to her back. She is all over the place. I had her on a blanket this morning on the floor and found her in a totally different place when I came back into the room. Now the fun begins.

Masen is still an amazing big brother. He changed her diaper the other day and was so good about it. He loves that she grabs for him and pulls him close to her. Masen is an amazing boy. I can't believe he will start first grade in a few weeks.

I thank God every day. I am so lucky to have such a great family. I think all the time about my mom. She set the example to make me the mom I am today. I know she is guiding me every day through the journey of parenthood.