June 20, 2010

Emmee - You are now 4 months old.

1. You are wearing size 2 diapers and mostly 3-6 month clothes.

2. You now weigh over 13lbs.

2. You have the greatest smile and are happiest in the mornings.

3. You watch your brother like a hawk.

4. You are still getting up at night one time. You don't like to go back to sleep once you are awake.

5. You love your Bumbo seat. You are very nosey and don't want to miss a thing.

6. You still love to be put into a swaddling blanket to go to sleep at night. You are a snuggler!

7. Whenever Daddy says something to you, you get the biggest smile. You have him wrapped around your little finger.

8. You are eating cereal two times a day.