May 18, 2010

The love's of my life Masen and Emmee. It is amazing that I can love each of them an equal amount but in two totally different ways. Masen is my boy and he is growing up so quickly but I look at him some of the time and still see my first baby. It brings tears to my eyes. I couldn't ask for a better kid. Emmee my baby girl, a princess. A little personality is starting to develop and I can't wait to see what it develops into. I can't wait to wake up and see her each morning and see that smiling face.

Emmee, at 3 months old (tomorrow) you:

- Are sleeping in your crib. You usually only wake up once during the night.

- Enjoy cooing to Daddy. You have him wrapped around your finger.

- Are happiest in the mornings. Your smiles are beautiful!

- Trying to grab your toes and enjoy sucking on your hands.

- May be teething early like your big brother did.

- Like holding your head up so you don't miss anything.

- You have a temper. One minute you are smiling and within a second you are screaming at the top of your lungs.

- Enjoy being put to sleep with a blanket by your face and something to touch.

- Are starting full day tomorrow at daycare. You have been a few half days and are having Mommy withdrawls (and Mommy has Emmee withdrawls).

- At your last check-up (2 Months) you weighed 10lbs 5oz!

We love you and are so glad you are a part of our family.