November 16, 2009

Thoughts with Age

Tomorrow I will turn 32.  When I think of that alot of things run through my mind.  I think back to what I had planned for my life when I was in my teens and how I always thought that by this time I would have my family complete.  I never expected to have a six year old and a new born baby at age 32.  It has been so long since I have had a little baby I hope that it all comes back to me when I have it in my arms.  I then think back to a few years ago and how Jon and I were saddened to think we would never have another child and how we discussed options of adoption. We are completely blessed to have a little one on the way (although it is several years later than what we had anticipated).  I know all things happen for a reason.  I know that this baby is a gift from my mom and that the difference in age gave us time to focus on Masen and give him our all.